Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Shop 'Til You Drop Retail Development Discovery Trail

Shop 'Til You Drop-Retail Development

1. When was the Melbourne GPO erected?

2. What was the GPO and what is the most impressive aspect of the complex now?
It was a hall used by postal employees to sort mail. The most impressive aspect is that it is 
now a retail centre.

3. Why do you think the shops are all glass framed within the original building?
To keep the original look but to add modern touches.

4. Describe the clock on the shot tower in Melbourne Central. What is its make, what birds come out, what music is played and what other sounds are made?
Two cockatoos and four parrots come out. There are two children sitting with instruments-flute and violin and they play the tune of Waltzing Matilda. Loud dinging noises are also made.

5. In the QV shopping precinct at QV square, what was the old red brick building that backs onto the square? What is it now and why would it have been kept and not knocked down?
The building is now Queen Victoria Women's centre. It was originally a memorial hospital. It will not be knocked down because it promotes women's enterprise and independence, as well and encouraging women's skills, talents and achievements. 

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